New drive-thru Starbucks opens on 164th

The new Starbucks in Northpointe Center next to Fred Meyer on 164th Street SW has opened its doors.

This store has a fireplace, a large lobby and is a drive-thru location. There’s also a couch and chairs that give it the look of a living room.

The closest Starbucks locations to this one are inside Fred Meyer and about a half-mile away at 168th and Highway 99, which also has a drive-thru.

It’s only the most recent store to open at the shopping center. Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt and Great Clips also recently opened there, and construction is ongoing on several more spaces.

Photos courtesy of Melody Overton. Used by permission.

  1. I really don’t understand the need for two Starbucks in the same shopping center but okay, great for our economy!

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