The paving work of southbound I-5 from Lynnwood to the King-Snohomish County line is complete and final striping of the freeway is scheduled to take place next week, the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) announced on Thursday.
The striping of southbound I-5 will require lane closures from 52nd Avenue West to the county line at Northeast 205th Street during the project’s scheduled work times, nightly from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. beginning on Monday, Oct. 7 to the morning of Friday, Oct. 11. The striping work is dependent upon having dry weather.
The $5.356 million project to repave I-5, its overpasses and on- and off-ramps, and repair some damaged portions of the freeway in south Snohomish County is in its final stages. The work, being done under contract by Granite Construction Company, began on May 20.
Once completed, the work will extend the useful life of the freeway surface by approximately 20 years, claims the WSDOT. The new lane markings will have a reflective look to them, improving visibility for drivers, especially during adverse weather conditions.
Approximately 165,000 vehicles utilize I-5 through South Snohomish County each day.
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