Have your say on Lynnwood's budget

The city of Lynnwood wants to hear your ideas for closing the estimated $21 million budget shortfall.

A town hall meeting is scheduled for Saturday to give you a chance to learn about the proposed cuts and provide feedback on balancing the budget.

“The intent of the meeting is to encourage and engage Lynnwood residents in the city of Lynnwood budget process. Given the current city of Lynnwood budget shortfall, very important budget decisions will be made soon.  We hope our efforts will help to gather residents’ views on the budget and share this information with City Council and the Mayor,” said Dave Gilbertson, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board member.

Representatives from the Diversity Commission, Arts Commission, Parks Advisory Board and Lynnwood Visioning Task Force will be participating in the town hall. It will be held Nov. 6 from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. at Edmonds Community College, Snoqualmie Building, Room 113.

In the meantime, Mayor Don Gough will present his budget to the City Council tonight.

  1. [i]”Representatives from the Diversity Commission, Arts Commission, Parks Advisory Board and Lynnwood Visioning Task Force will be participating in the town hall.”[/i]

    I’m sure it’s mere coincidence that these are four departments that are ripest for gutting in order to save money.

    1. Please check your facts. The Diversity Commission, Arts Commission, Parks Advisory Board, and Lynnwood Visioning Task Force are all staffed with unpaid volunteers. They are participating at the Town Hall on their own time.

      1. Sorry, I was less than clear. You are correct. However, I daresay that the Parks and Advisory “Board” has the Parks Department employees best interests in mind, and they are indeed ripe for a cut. Likewise with whatever city employees are most closely represented by the other commissions.

        Layoff notices went out yesterday, by the way. FINALLY.

        We’re still waiting for coverage of that by the local media, natch.

  2. No. It is not a coincidence that these departments will be represented at this town hall meeting. It is standard operating procedure for at least one member of each department to be in attendance at all city meetings to; 1. Remind people that they exist, and 2. Explain to people what they do. Besides, it is a great way to rack up some overtime.

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