A new Web-based tool lets Lynnwood residents report Public Works problems online.
The new Cartegraph system allows users to report a variety of issues including drinking water, sewer flow, storm drainage, street debris, potholes, traffic signals and roadway signing. You can even use the system just to ask a question.
The Public Works and Information Services departments developed the tool to help manage Lynnwood’s complex infrastructure system.
To access the system, you first have to register with an e-mail address. Then go to the map, select an address and choose the problem from the drop down. The problem is then directly routed to the Public Works department for scheduling. You can also track the status of your request.
So far people have reported problems such as a crosswalk safety issue on 52nd Avenue West, a signal malfunction at SR 99 and 176th Street SW and a pothole in the parking lot of the Civic Campus.
Real first and last names — as well as city of residence — are required for all commenters.
This is so we can verify your identity before approving your comment.