Another candidate files for Mayor

City Council President Loren Simmonds has filed for mayor of Lynnwood, according to the Snohomish County Auditor’s Office. Simmonds was elected to the City Council in 1999. He is currently…

School, fire, hospital and water candidate filings

Incumbent Edmonds School District Director Ann McMurray has filed for reelection to the No. 2 position, according to the Snohomish County Auditor’s Office. Leticia (Leti) Solis has filed for the…

Latest filings

Former councilmember Ruth Ross has filed for Lynnwood City Council Position No. 3, according to the Snohomish County Auditor’s Office. Ian Cotton, Maria Ambalada and Douglas Lovitt also have filed…

Wrap up of Monday’s candidate filings

The first official day of candidate filings saw nine individuals officially running for office in Lynnwood. Current councilmember Mark Smith and Nicola Smith have filed to run for mayor. Two-term…

Wrap up of Monday's candidate filings

The first official day of candidate filings saw nine individuals officially running for office in Lynnwood. Current councilmember Mark Smith and Nicola Smith have filed to run for mayor. Two-term…

More candidates file for mayor, city council

Nicola Smith has filed for mayor, according to the Snohomish County Auditor’s office. Smith is joined current councilmember Mark Smith. Current Mayor Don Gough was elected in 2005 and reelected…

Candidates filing for mayor, city council

Current Lynnwood City Councilmember Mark Smith has filed to run for mayor with the Snohomish County Auditor’s Office. Smith was first elected to City Council Position No. 2 in 2005….

Candidate filing starts Monday

Candidates may officially start filing for offices at 9 a.m. Monday, May 13 and continue through 4 p.m. Friday, May 17. The city of Lynnwood will elect a mayor and…

Water quality report available online

The city of Lynnwood’s Consumer Confidence Reports (Water Quality Reports) will be available to customers online this spring and will not be printed and mailed to all customers as in…

Lynnwood to retain current law firm

The City Council unanimously voted to retain Inslee Best as the city’s law firm at its March 25 business meeting. Inslee Best has represented the city since the mid-2000s. In…

Cotton appointed to Planning Commission

The City Council unanimously approved the appointment Ian Cotton to the Planning Commission during its March 25 business meeting. Cotton will fill the vacant, unexpired term of Position 2, which…

Snohomish County Council takes action against Reardon

The Snohomish County Council took emergency action Wednesday to remove a department from County Executive Aaron Reardon’s control, part of an escalating fight between Reardon and the county’s legislative branch,…