Fitness Corner: Exercising while traveling

My late husband, Coach Dan Potts, was the most dedicated exerciser I have ever met, even on vacation. I have vivid memories of him on the floor of vacation rentals…

Fitness Corner: How to get motivated

Motivation can be elusive even for the most disciplined and driven of us. It ebbs and flows through different phases of our lives . . . as our goals change…

Move 60! Summer Program set for July 1-Aug. 22

The Edmonds School District’s Move 60! Summer Program provides free, fun exercise and activities throughout the summer for district students – plus a free lunch. The program includes games, parachute,…

Fitness Corner: Contemplating what could have been

Because yesterday was my parents’ 47th wedding anniversary and today is Mother’s Day, this weekend would be celebratory regardless. But this year in particular it is truly something to appreciate….