Community Seed Swap set for March 8 at Lynnwood Library

Come join your fellow edible gardening neighbors for an afternoon of seed sharing and learning Wednesday, March 8, 3:30-6:30 p.m. at the Lynnwood Library, 19200 44th Ave. W.

Attendees are urged to bring seeds to share, but it is not required. This event is free and open to all. Free seed catalogs and local gardening resources will also be available.

How to participate in the seed swapIf you bring seeds to share:

-Share only seeds of vegetable, herbs, and flowers that your fellow gardeners would grow from seed.

-If donating home-saved seed, winnow and clean off the stems or stalks as much as possible and bring only the seed.
-All shared seed should be fresh, within three years of purchase or saving.

-Label all seed donations with seed type, variety if known, and year it was grown/saved.

To collect seeds at the exchange, bring your own envelopes (such as small coin envelopes) or other small containers to hold seeds. A limited supply of envelopes wil be available.

Also during the afternoon, Marni Swart from Growing Roots Together will discuss “Edible Gardening: All about seed saving” from 4-4:30 p.m.

This class will cover seed-saving fundamentals, including seed harvesting and storage. The information covered is intended for edible gardeners and seed savers and those looking to expand their seed-saving knowledge.

Learn more here.

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