Come join your fellow edible gardening neighbors for an afternoon of seed sharing and learning Wednesday, March 8, 3:30-6:30 p.m. at the Lynnwood Library, 19200 44th Ave. W.
How to participate in the seed swapIf you bring seeds to share:
-Share only seeds of vegetable, herbs, and flowers that your fellow gardeners would grow from seed.
-Label all seed donations with seed type, variety if known, and year it was grown/saved.
To collect seeds at the exchange, bring your own envelopes (such as small coin envelopes) or other small containers to hold seeds. A limited supply of envelopes wil be available.
Also during the afternoon, Marni Swart from Growing Roots Together will discuss “Edible Gardening: All about seed saving” from 4-4:30 p.m.
This class will cover seed-saving fundamentals, including seed harvesting and storage. The information covered is intended for edible gardeners and seed savers and those looking to expand their seed-saving knowledge.
Learn more here.
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