At its meeting Dec. 4, the Lynnwood City Council is scheduled to hold both a special business meeting and a regular work session.
During its special business meeting, the council is set to vote on an ordinance dictating the implementation of off-campus emergency medical departments in the city. It will also vote on Lynnwood’s 2024 salary schedule for city employees, amendments to the Development & Business Fee Schedule and labor agreements for public works and parks employees under the local union.
During its work session, the council is scheduled to hear from Finance Director Michelle Meyer about proposed updates to the travel and expense policies and be introduced to Leilani Kamala, a candidate for the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee.
The council will also discuss the need for medical services for the opening of the upcoming Community Justice Center. By law, jail facilities must provide health services to inmates. The Community Health Center withdrew its partnership offer to provide services in the new compound, and city administration was only able to locate one health care provider that had the capacity and structure to provide the necessary services – Wellpath. Lynnwood Police Chief Cole Langdon is scheduled to present that topic the council.
The Dec. 4 meeting will be in Lynnwood City Hall Council Chambers, 19100 44th Ave. W., Lynnwood. The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. Visit for information on streaming or joining the meeting live. You can see the complete agenda for the meeting here.
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