Deadlines, details for Aug. 6 primary voter registration

Thanks to a 2018 change in state law, Washington is implementing same-day voter registration starting with the Aug. 6 primary election.

That means someone can register to vote or update an existing registration as late as 8 p.m. Aug. 6 — as long as they do so at their county auditor or elections office. The Snohomish County Auditor’s Office in Everett will be open until 8 p.m. on Aug. 6.

To register the same day, voters must provide a valid driver’s license, state ID or Social Security number on the registration form. The voter must also be a U.S. citizen and legal resident of Washington, and at least 18 years by Election Day. The person must not be disqualified by a court order from voting, and not under supervision by the state Department of Corrections for a felony conviction that occurred in the state.

Under the new law, voters can also register by mail or online until eight days before an election, which is Monday, July 29.

Learn more at the Snohomish County Elections web page here.


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