Edmonds American Legion Post 66 will be accepting donations of food and cold weather clothing items to assist Snohomish County veterans in need during a dropoff event from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 20.
Community members are encouraged to come by the post, located at 117 6th Ave. S. in Edmonds, and drop off non-perishable food items and cold-weather clothing such as hats, gloves, socks, sweaters and coats. Donated items will be distributed to veterans by the Lynnwood Heroes Café.
“There are over 50,000 veterans in Snohomish County, and many of them need help during winter due to difficult circumstances,” said Legion Post Commander Dan Mullene.
The post can also accept used American flags in need of disposal at this event.
Post members, along with members of VFW Post 8870, will be on hand to receive your donations. You may also donate money. Checks should be made out to “American Legion Post 66 Cold Weather Event.” For more information, call 425-245-8545.
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