Edmonds Community College has hired Gregory Hinton, a 25-year veteran of the U.S. Army, to serve as the college’s vice president of finance and operations. His first day was Jan. 16.
“Gregory has a track record of managing resources with both efficiency and integrity,” said Edmonds CC President Dr. Amit B. Singh. “His leadership and expertise will help the Finance and Operations division become a strategic partner with all the divisions and departments of the college, in order to achieve our short- and long-term goals.”
Hinton holds a bachelor’s degree in business economics and public policy from Brown University, two master’s degrees in business administration and human resources development from Webster University, and a graduate certificate in cost management at the University of South Carolina.
Prior to joining Edmonds CC, Hinton served in the Army as an active duty member and reservist, served as a civilian in the Marine Corps and Air Force, and performed a variety of oversight and management roles in both corporate and government settings. His financial management experience includes managing, auditing, and overseeing portfolios up to $15 billion. He has also taught college-level management courses and guest lectured on organizational development and behavior.
“At Edmonds Community College, I will be focused on implementing our strategic vision on a day-to-day basis,” said Hinton. “That means clarifying the connections between each of our roles and establishing metrics for evaluating our progress.”
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