Edmonds College to hold virtual Veterans Day celebration Nov. 11

Edmonds College will honor veterans this year with a pre-recorded event that can be enjoyed on YouTube beginning Thursday, Nov. 11. The virtual event was planned in keeping with COVID guidelines to avoid large gatherings.

You can view the video here.

“We are humbled by the grit and determination of our Veterans Day Planning Committee to support us over the years by creating a moving tribute we feel honors and connects all our veterans. Wherever and whenever we served, we veterans are all connected through our commitment to  preserving our freedom,” said Chris Szarek, the college’s interim executive director of facilities and capital projects and a retired U.S. Navy Seabee.

“I would like to thank all our veterans who are students, faculty and staff and who help make Edmonds College a great place to learn and grow,” added Matthew Durkee, Army veteran and the interim director of the college’s Veterans Resource Center. “As we honor our veterans, it should be noted that it would be a dishonor to not mention the spouses, dependents, and the parents of those who have served. It is a time-honored tradition that we veterans can serve, but it is also a sacrifice that we could not have done without support from our loved ones.”

This year’s theme is “Bringing It Back Home,” and the college will be spotlighting special veterans and veterans service groups who work and serve locally. This year’s celebration will also include historical background about the land that is now Edmonds College.

“Over the years, our local community and residents have made great contributions to the defense of our country both at home and abroad,” said Szarek. “We hope that by sharing their stories people will gain a greater understanding of how the military has influenced our local landscape and shaped our history.”

Matthew Durkee and Chris Szarek will host the event. Guest speakers include Steve Pennington, a U.S. Armed Services Retired Air Force Master Sergeant and Edmonds College Foundation board member, and Monica McNeal, who will make a special presentation from the Gold Star Mothers. The event will also feature performances by the Soundsation student jazz choir, the college’s drama class, and tributes to veterans submitted by Edmonds College students and employees.

“Today we gather to acknowledge and show appreciation for those who served in the U.S. military,” Edmonds College President Amit Singh said. “We as a college and community understand that the freedom we enjoy to teach, learn, and live in peace, is not free. We are committed to serving the Veterans who bore that cost, those who watch over us today, and their family members, by offering support programs and the opportunity for an exceptional education.”

Edmonds College has been designated as a military friendly school. The college is also home to the Veterans Resource Center that serves the needs of over 200 veterans and their family members attending EC by providing Veterans Affairs counseling and certification, resource referrals, career counseling, and an inviting place to meet other veterans. The center is funded by the EC Foundation’s Boots to Books and Beyond Campaign.

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