There will be a Happiness Sprinkling Project event at the Mr. Kleen 76 Station at 19611 Alderwood Mall Pkwy apposite Barnes & Noble on Saturday, April 30th from 1pm to 3pm.
The Happiness Sprinkling Project’s purpose is to make people laugh, smile, feel good, lessen their troubles just for a few moments. It changes your attitude. It makes you happy. How else can you react to a bunch of people wearing yellow on a street corner with balloons, waving signs of encouragement? Seeing signs that say “You are delightful!”, “Life is Good”, “You rock!” make you feel good. The project began in 2012 in Anacortes and has now gone global. Events are scheduled all over our nation and in South Africa and Europe. Happiness is spreading!
If you would like to Sprinkle happiness with us, call Carol 425-518-6769. We’ll be adding happy face balloons and noisemakers to the mix for extra fun.