Born in Venice, Antonia Padoani Bembo showed prodigious talent as a singer, staged a daring escape from a violent marriage with the help of a globetrotting guitar virtuoso, and made her way to Paris, where she lived and composed under the protection of King Louis XIV. Soprano Danielle Sampson joins violinist Romaric Pokorny, cellist Caroline Nicolas, and harpsichordist Henry Lebedinsky to shed some light on the life, times, and music of this exceptional woman. Pacific MusicWorks Underground is pleased to announce Capitol Cider as our new venue for the remainder of our 2019 season. Capitol Cider is located one block from the Capitol Hill Light Rail station and Seattle Central College parking lot. Your ticket includes a drink voucher good for $7 off Capitol Cider’s 20 rotating taps of cider and 10 taps of craft beer. Capitol Cider is ADA accessible and disability seating is available.