Edmonds Community College is offering free electronic and foam (NO peanuts) recycling as well as free paper shredding. This event will be open to the public. Signs will be provided from the entrance at 68th Ave. W and 200th St. SW
Support the Edmonds CC Green Team and our sponsors by dropping off your old unwanted electronics! Free to recycle computers, monitors, TV’s, laptops, tablets, clean StyrofoamTM blocks (NO peanuts). Other electronics accepted for $5 each. Paper shredding limited to 3 file-sized boxes or equivalent.
Fact: “It takes 530 lbs of fossil fuel, 48 lbs of chemicals, and 1.5 tons of water to manufacture one computer and monitor”
For information on what you can Recycle: https://students.edcc.edu/csel/green-team/recycling-dropoff.html