Got Broken Stuff? Toss it? No Way! Bring it to the Repair Café!
Repair Cafés are all about fixing things! At our Repair Cafes you bring the stuff, and our repair specialists bring their skills to help fix it!
Repairable items could include: Bicycles, bird houses, clocks, clothes, computers, DVD Player, fan, home décor, jewelry, kitchen chair, lamp, music box, small electronics/appliances, toaster, toys and more!
Pre-registration is recommended so we can let you know what parts to bring. (See contact information below)
Free and open to all Snohomish County residents. Extension programs are available to all without discrimination.
This event is made possible with support from: WSU Snohomish County Extension, Snohomish County Public Works – Solid Waste Division, and the City of Everett