The Lilla Spelmanslag is perhaps the only youth Spelmanslag in the country, and tonight you will get to dance to their wonderful music! Don’t miss this chance to get some good turns in and support our young musicians at the same time. It’s a win-win! The Lilla ‘lag will be playing from 8:30 to 9:45 p.m. For the second half of the dance, check the Skandia website; there will be something tasty for you! Teaching before the dance will be Bob Hamilton and Pat Pi with the “all Sweden slängpolska.” This is a great dance for beginners to learn as their first polska dance, and it is also very satisfying for more experienced dancers. This form is danced all over Sweden and often fills the dance floor with moving couples; it’s quite a lovely sight. Come at 7:30 p.m. and brush up on your skills before the evening dance! Class, 7:30 p.m.; dance, 8:30–11 p.m. Info:,, or (425) 954-5262.