Pilchuck Audubon Society’s October Meeting will feature Larry Schwitters giving a presentation on his Vaux’s Happening Project. This project promotes the conservation of migrating Vaux’s Swifts by raising awareness of the spectacular roosting events this species displays at a limited number of large trees and old masonry structures on the Pacific Flyway. Since its beginning in the spring of 2008, the project has documented over 8 million individual roosting events in the U.S., Canada and Mexico. Vaux’s Happening has played a significant role in the preservation of roosting areas in Monroe and Pilchuck Audubon Society now hosts the annual Swifts Night Out each September. Larry Schwitters has a Masters of Science degree from East Texas State University, funded by a National Science Foundation competitive grant. Hi Vaux Happening Project has been featured in the Smithsonian and High Country News.