Four schools on the Lynnwood/Edmonds border went into lockdown today after police received a report of gunfire.
The call came in at 11:35 a.m. from a male identifying himself by first name only reporting a disturbance at Edmonds-Woodway High School. That school, as well as nearby College Place Middle and Elementary schools, and Chase Lake Community School were put into lockdown.
Edmonds and Lynnwood officers quickly surrounded Edmonds-Woodway and did a thorough search, but no suspects were found.
“During the course of a thorough police search of the building it was learned there was no evidence found that shots had been fired in or within proximity of the school,” said D.J. Jakala, district spokesperson.
The lockdowns were lifted about 30 minutes after they started.
Edmonds police are continuing their investigation to track down the caller.
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