Fifth annual Par for Kids golf tournament set for July 26 at Lynnwood Municipal

MyNNNThe Lynnwood Parks and Recreation Foundation is hosting its fifth annual Par 4 Kids Golf Tournament on Friday, July 26 at the Lynnwood Municipal Golf course.

Proceeds of the event go to the City’s Recreation benefit Fund, a financial assistance program that provides financial support for families and children who wish to participate in recreation activities.

The tournament’s format is a four-person scramble type event.The $75 per person early bird registration is currently underway and your last chance to save is June 14. Registration after June 14 is $90 per person. A noon shotgun start is planned, and the entry fee includes lunch.

Hole sponsorships are still available. For further information, please call 425= 670-5501.

The event is sponsored by Swedish/ Edmonds Hospital.


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