Fire District 1 adds four volunteers, including Lynnwood High School graduate

new volunteers
Four volunteers recently completed recruit training and joined the ranks of Fire District 1 (from left): Nathan Solberg, Miranda Timonen, Alex Reece and Henry Patterson.

Snohomish County Fire District 1 recently added four volunteers to its ranks:

Alex Reece is a 2005 graduate of Lynnwood High School. As a high school student, he participated in the Sno-Isle Skills Center Fire Service Technology program, which held classes at Fire District 1 Headquarters. He completed his emergency medical technician training and is pursuing a fire science degree at Everett Community College.

Miranda Timonen is an Edmonds native and a 2008 graduate of Lakeside High School. She earned a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry at Washington University in St. Louis, and completed her emergency medical technician training at Everett Community College.

Henry Patterson is a 2009 graduate of Bothell High School and participated in the Woodinville Fire Department’s program for high school students. He completed his emergency medical technician training at North Seattle Community College.

Nathan Solberg is a 2012 graduate of Snohomish High School. He completed his emergency medical technician training at Everett Community College.

Fire District 1’s volunteers provide support response with AIR 10, a truck equipped to provide on-scene air-bottle refills, supplemental lighting and firefighter rehabilitation. The division also supports prevention education and community relations.


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