From the Publisher’s Desk: You can tell it’s election season

Dear readers:

Every two years, we have city elections and every two years, I see the following behavior as the ballots hit mailboxes:

— A flurry of letters to the editor from supporters about candidates’ accomplishments or opponents of certain candidates about their wrongdoings.

— Accusations of campaign signs being stolen or vandalized.

— Comments that are borderline (or sometimes over the top) inappropriate in terms of personal attacks or other misinformation about those running for office.

So as of Wednesday, July 21, we will no longer be accepting letters to the editor regarding support of, or opposition to, candidates or campaigns for the duration of the primary season (through Aug. 3). I would also ask that the candidate-related commentary be respectful and be assured that I am monitoring those comments diligently to ensure that they stay that way. If your comment doesn’t get approved, it’s because I have determined it doesn’t meet our guidelines.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Teresa Wippel



  1. Thank you for your explanation and diligence in keeping the electors informed about the local races. I am a long-time resident of Lynnwood having transplanted myself from Seattle/King County in 1985 and finishing a 25 year career working for Snohomish County since 1980. I decided to adopt this county as my second home and have remained very neutral publicly during my public service career on election matter with the exception of always voting in all the primaries, special elections and general elections as a responsible citizens. I tell my friends that what happens every four years in the other Washington (D.C.) is important and one should always vote for the person that represents their views; but the most important elections are here at home in your own city; for this is the one political entity that can really make difference in your life and pocket book. So vote for many of our fellow Americans have worn our Nation’s uniform and given their lives to protect your right to vote. Thank you for the excellent coverage on our local election issues and candidates. Please continue the good work going forward.

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