Giving Back: Holly House needs donations, volunteers, cookies for Dec. 15 family shopping event

Holly-House-logo-300x88Hundreds of Edmonds School District families in need will benefit from a shopping event being sponsored Sunday, Dec. 15 by Holly House.

The Lynnwood-based organization, which serves over 2,000 low-income children in 15 schools, continues to seek donations of pajamas, sock and underwear — all sizes — plus individually wrapped candy for stockings, said Executive Director Pam Martinez. Donations go directly to families during the Dec 15 event, during which pre-registered parents can pick up items for their family at no charge.

In addition, Martinez said, the event needs volunteers to assist with a variety of tasks, starting on Friday, Dec. 13 with the loading of donations from the Armadillo Storage Office at 23031 Highway 99 in Edmonds, at 3:30 p.m. A total of 10-12 volunteers — including two drivers for the trucks — are needed for this approximately four-hour commitment, she said. Check it at the Armadillo Storage Office, or email Martinez at for more details.

In addition, helpers are needed all day Saturday — from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. — in the Lynnwood area to set up for the event, and for the entire day Sunday, starting at 8 a.m., to staff the shopping event.

Holly House is also collecting homemade cookies for the parents to enjoy before shopping. Contact Karen Orstad, the cookie coordinator, at 425-422-1092 or to arrange for cookie donations.

The organization also will gratefully accept monetary donations, Martinez noted. To donate, call 425-673-0526.

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