Happening nearby: 17th annual Halloween Howl set for Oct. 8

Guitar player Louie took first place in the funniest category in 2021. (File photo by Julia Wiese)

Come join your neighbors and friends along with all their furry friends on Saturday, Oct. 8 for the 17th annual Halloween Howl located at the off-leash dog park at Edmonds’ Marina Beach Park south.

The event will run from 11 a.m.-1 pm. The costume judging is at 1 p.m. There will be prizes for best three costume categories (most original, best owner/pet combo and funniest) and a best in show.

There will also be a silent auction featuring great gift cards from your favorite local restaurants and shops. T-shirts and hats will be available for purchase; credit cards welcome.

The event, sponsored by the nonprofit Off Leash Area Edmonds (OLAE), is the group’s only fundraising event. City of Edmonds Animal Control Officer Jessica Gilianas will be there to answer questions.

Contact Brian Tyl at briantyl77@gmail.com if you want to donate a gift card for the silent auction or if you want to be a vendor at the event.

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