If you have a dog, it’s time to start planning your costumes for the Off Leash Area Edmonds (O.L.A.E) 11th Annual Halloween Howl, set for Oct. 24 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the off-leash dog park at Marina Beach Park. Costume judging will be at 1 p.m.
The three costume categories are:
– Funniest
– Most Original
– Best Owner & Dog Combination.
There will also be a Best-in-Show winner.
Pet-friendly vendors will be displaying their products and services, and there will be a silent auction and raffle drawings. If you would like to participate as a volunteer or a vendor or want to donate a silent auction item or raffle prize, email o.l.a.e@comcast.net or go to the website
at www.olae.org.
Donations are tax deductible and donors will be acknowledged at the event and in O.L.A.E’s Winter newsletter and on the website.
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