With a stated focus on building a strong, vibrant and welcoming community, Lynnwood City Councilmember Dr. Julieta Altamirano-Crosby announced Friday she will be running for reelection to her Position 5 seat.
“Lynnwood deserves a council representative of its diverse make-up,” Altamirano-Crosby said. “Together we can build a strong Lynnwood community, remove barriers to opportunities and create a place where our kids will feel safe.”
During the last four years as a councilmember, Altamirano-Crosby said she supported the use of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds for a range of projects, including $2.5 million toward citywide street improvements, $400,000 for the Lynnwood Food Bank and $60,000 to tutoring local students. She also voted to allocate ARPA funds to the Lynnwood Neighborhood Center, Scriber Lake Boardwalk project, repairs for Silver Creek Church and Lynnwood’s Hero’s Café.
“Growing up, my family raised me with the values to always work hard, keep learning and give back to the community,” Altamirano-Crosby said in her announcement. “Health, housing, infrastructure and education are the key focus areas for our city.”
Altamirano-Crosby said her focus on public safety led her to support the council’s vote to supply Lynnwood Police with body cameras and other items to ensure a fully funded police department. She also voted to ban public outdoor use of illegal drugs.
“The strength of our city resides in its people, its businesses and its centers of learning,” said Altamirano-Crosby, citing her efforts to provide COVID tests and vaccinations to residents.
Altamirano-Crosby said she believes her experience as an immigrant uniquely qualifies her to ensure underrepresented and underserved members of the community have their needs addressed and their voices represented equitably.
She has a large presence in the Hispanic community and led the effort for a resolution recognizing Cinco de Mayo in the City of Lynnwood and Snohomish County. In a cultural partnership with Lynnwood’s Sister City, Mexican dancer Concepción Bello Nava led three local dance troupes with traditional Mexican folk dances that performed for a large crowd at Cedar Valley Gym.
Altamirano-Crosby also organized Lynnwood’s “Peace for Ukraine” vigil and assisted Refugee & Immigrant Services Northwest in relocating Afghan refugees. Gov. Jay Inslee appointed Altamirano-Crosby as a commissioner to the Washington State Commission on Hispanic Affairs in 2018 and to the Humanities Washington Board of Trustees in 2019.
Altamirano-Crosby said she is active in the League of Women Voters of Snohomish County, the Lynnwood Food Bank, the Foundation for Edmonds School District and the National Resource Center for Refugees, Immigrants, and Migrants.
She has received numerous awards including The Defense of Human Rights Award, the Snohomish County Human Rights Award in 2017 and the Distinguished Alumni Award at Everett Community College in 2019. She was named the Seattle Pacific University Medallion Award Honoree in 2020.
“Preparing for change is my field of expertise as a researcher,” Altamirano-Crosby said. “With a long track record of leading successful collaborations between community members and government projects, I would be honored to continue my service representing the residents of Lynnwood.”
You can learn more about Altamirano-Crosby by emailing crosby4council@gmail.com.
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