Meet artist Gabrielle Abbott and learn more how she created the “Grateful Steward” at South Lynnwood Park during her online talk Thursday, April 22 at 6 p.m.
Abbott was commissioned by the city to paint the mural after the city issued a regional call for artists. South Lynnwood is one of the city’s most diverse neighborhoods. According to Abbott, the city wanted an artist who had experience working with communities to create a piece reflecting that diversity. Read more about the artist in our earlier story here.
Abbott’s design, “Grateful Steward,” was inspired in part by the cultures of Indigenous people, who see themselves as stewards of the land. She said the mural features animals and plants that were part of the daily lives of Indigenous people. The mural also depicts hands made of plants, encircling a mandala, which Abbot said represent the four elements – earth, water, fire and air.

The link to watch this free talk is here.
You can learn more about the artwork by watching this video.
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