Letter to the editor: Olympia/Lynnwood budget cutting counterpoint

I attended the budget meeting in Lynnwood on Monday the 28th with my little sign “CUT DEEP NOW” that I took to Olympia in the morning.

I was shocked to see Mark Smith, council president, speak about not cutting to allow a margin for error in the budget at the previous meeting. So I spoke last night about cutting to the point that we have a $10 million reserve and remove the nearly 11 percent increase in the property tax just added on in Lynnwood.

We have a budget of $95 million and 10 percent reserve in these times is only prudent. We are dependent on forces in Europe and the U.S. as a whole to a great degree. We have thrown away millions in police training costs only to now expend further millions in their replacements, millions on the pool, not to mention the new but non-existent courthouse. Things have got to change. We need a bit sense in the city council and mayor’s office. We can all do with less now to help push the economy forward and make this city and country great again.

Doug Kerley, Lynnwood

Have something on your mind? Send your letter to the editor to lynnwoodtoday@gmail.com.

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