Letter to the editor: George Santos and Josh Binda


According to the New York Times, the House Ethics Committee concluded that Congressman George Santos (R-NY) illegally used his campaign funds for personal use and that he lied to Congress and the public about his activities. 

The Ethics Committee’s report said that Congressman Santos spent donor money on designer clothing, plastic surgery and personal airfare. Santos had “systemic reporting errors” in his Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings, refused to resign and was expelled from Congress on Friday. 

Sound familiar? 

Lynnwood has a George Santos. His name? Josh Binda. 

Binda is a Lynnwood City Councilmember and violated multiple state campaign finance laws, including using his campaign funds for personal use. Binda also knowingly lied to the city council and the public about using city government resources for his personal gain and profit. 

The State Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) ruled that Binda, like Santos, also had systemic reporting errors. Binda spent donor money on Versace, dental work, a necklace, haircuts, concert tickets and personal airfare. The Lynnwood Times reported that Binda “confused” his campaign debit card with his personal debit card…multiple times. Binda filed nearly $10,000 of suspicious campaign expenditures that suddenly disappeared once journalists started to investigate. 

Like Santos, Binda has dismissed calls from our community to resign. Lynnwood, now is the time to sign our petition so we can vote to expel Josh Binda, Lynnwood’s George Santos, from the City Council. Visit RecallBinda.com to learn more and read where to sign our petition. 

Diodato Boucsieguez

  1. I feel there should be a disclaimer on this stating that the writer is a Republican who unsuccessfully ran for the city council, trying to remove a young man of color who has stated that many of the claims of his illegal actions are false.

    1. Arden, it sounds like you are personally bashing the author/his political party as well as playing the race card. Ethics should transcend political parties and race. Binda’s violations are a matter of public record, and I hope readers use that to make their decision rather than your personal attacks. For the record, I am a Democrat with strong social justice views, but we are all accountable for our actions.

      1. Yes Binda has continually done us dirty then when he was caught he played the race card. I hope that more people can see him for who he is- an unethical man using his position for personal gain. then when he gets found out he yells RACISM!
        Seems to me the only one racist here is Binda himself looking to get out of taking responsibility for his actions and using anything he can think of to not be responsible for his own actions. So he is using the racist card. What does that prove? That he is innocent? NO. it proves he will do whatever he can duck out of being responsible.

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