Jason Moon is a candidate for the Legislature. We met for lunch last month and had a great conversation. He’s very bright and easy to talk with, the kind of person who asks questions before making up his mind — skills needed in Olympia.
Jason is an IT professional at Microsoft and will soon receive his MBA from UW Bothell. He’s seeking the 21st District position held by Strom Peterson.
Jason has several issues of concern to Edmonds and Lynnwood. He opposed the Legislature usurping local zoning, requiring cities to absorb growth in areas where it can’t be sustained. Jason’s opponent Peterson was the architect of the state’s zoning takeover.
Another concern is public safety, particularly along the SR99 corridor. Police are often hampered by laws and policies that leave dangerous people on the street. Yes, incarceration is rarely a good thing, but sometimes it’s necessary to protect innocent people. Jason wants improved laws to better protect us.
The incumbent Strom Peterson was just elected to the full-time year-round job of County Councilmember, at a salary of $137,000. Why he wants to also continue as a state legislator is hard to fathom. During legislative sessions, that’s also a full-time job in Olympia; he can’t be in two places at once.
Jason’s roots are local. He’s the son of immigrant parents, born and raised here in southwest Snohomish County. He and his wife are proud parents of two adorable little boys who attend Mukilteo Public Schools.
Jason Moon deserves our votes on Election Day.
Roger Pence
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