The Lynnwood High School jazz ensemble is hitting the big time. On Monday the students will perform at the Triple Door in downtown Seattle.
In an e-mail to supporters, band and orchestra director Amy Stevenson said it will be exciting to play at this professional venue.
“In the past few years our students have begun to perform at a consistently high standard. This event will serve as both a reward for this hard work and to help elevate their performance even further. Our Instrumental Music Department will benefit from the proceeds of the ticket sales. These students deserve all of our support and a packed house on Monday, May 24. Frankly, we desperately need the potential revenue this great event will raise. Instead of selling you something, or having the students run an event, we’re asking you to come for a great night of live music and support these students. This will be a memorable event for us all.”
The concert is Monday, May 24, 7:30 p.m. at the Triple Door (216 Union Street, across from Benaroya Hall.) Tickets can be purchased online ($15 for adults, $12 for students.)
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