Looking to lose a few pounds? Lynnwood Rec Center has plenty of fitness classes

If you put on a few pounds thanks to the holidays and are looking to lose some weight, the Lynnwood Recreation Center has some ideas for you.

  • Jump Start is a program where a fitness staff member talks with you about your goals and what kind of exercise routine you want to start. Or if you already have a routine, changes can be discussed to freshen things up. A new routine will be designed for you that lasts 6 to 10 weeks. The center’s trainers also can assist you with any dietary guidelines. The program is for 13 and older. The fee is $25.
  • Personal training is available with certified trainers. The program is designed based upon your current fitness levels and short and long term goals. Nutrition guidance is available. An assessment may occur at the first session. Price depends on package.
  • The Lynnwood Boot Camp is an early morning class designed to get you pumped for the day. Whether you are heading to the office to sit at a desk or have a busy day planned, this class will get your heart pounding and sweat pouring. The instructor designates each day to a different area—upper body one day lower the next; front of the body, then back of the body. Friday is typically reserved for a cardio day in which the weights are traded in for jump ropes, hula hoops, and other engaging equipment. The instructor will accommodate for all fitness levels. Classes are for those 15 and older and start Jan. 6 at 6 a.m. The fee is $89.
  • Zumba® has become one of the fastest growing dance-based fitness workouts fusing Latin rhythms with easy to follow moves. Achieve long-term health benefits, burn calories and body fat, and tone and sculpt your body. The Rec Center offers morning, evening and Saturday classes. Fees vary.
  • Group Power is a 60-minute barbell program that strengthens all your major muscles in an inspiring, motivating group environment, with fantastic music. With simple, athletic movements such as squats, lunges, presses and curls, Group Power is for all ages and fitness levels. Classes are held throughout the week at different times. The program is for those 12 and older.


For more information on any of these programs/classes, go to www.playlynnwood.com.


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