The Lynnwood City Council is scheduled Monday night to vote on several amendments to the city’s Comprehensive Plan.
At its Nov. 22 business meeting, the council will vote on a proposal to adopt an ordinance regarding three proposed amendments to the city’s 2021 Comprehensive Plan, all of which focus on prioritizing the development of affordable housing in the city. This year, the city received three proposals for amendments. Two are amendments to subarea plans and were submitted by staff, and the third amendment would change the future land-use designation for a portion of the Cedar Valley Community School site — known as the triangle ballfield area — located at 19200 56th Ave. W. The property is owned by the Edmonds School District and would be used to develop a 40- to-50-unit affordable housing complex to house homeless students and their families.
The council will also vote on an ordinance regarding the city’s tax levy for 2022. Next year, the city proposes levying the general property tax amount of $45 million, which would result in an estimated general levy rate of 53 cents per $1,000 of assessed value in 2022 — a slight decrease from the rate of 54 cents per $1,000 levied in 2021.
In addition, will hold two public hearings: one regarding the draft South Lynnwood Neighborhood Plan, which aims to revitalize the one of the city’s most diverse neighborhoods, and another hearing regarding amendments to the city’s 2021-22 biennium budget.
Councilmembers will be meeting remotely and will stream the meeting at 6 p.m. live via Zoom, which can be accessed via the council’s webpage on the city’s website. To view the full business meeting agenda, click here.
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