Lynnwood City Council passes regulations to allow electric vehicle charging stations

The Lynnwood City Council unanimously approved new regulations for electric vehicles charging stations at its Monday business meeting.

A law passed by the State in 2009 required that local governments, adjacent to Interstate 5 and located in a county with a population great than 600,000, allow electric vehicles infrastructure as a use in all areas except those zoned for residential or resource use or critical areas.

The regulations allowing the location of the electric infrastructure were to be completed in 2010. But to due to staffing changes the Community Development Department did not make the deadline.

Following a public hearing in which no one spoke, the council passed an ordinance that:

  • Amends the single-family and multi-family zoning regulations to allow Level 1 and 2 (battery) charging stations as accessory structures and uses. (Levels refer to the number of volts the charger carries. The higher the level, the more volts)
  • Amends the commercial, public and semi-public, industrial, mixed use/business, commercial-residential and college-district mixed use zone regulations to allow Level 1, 2 and 3 (battery) electric vehicle charging stations and battery exchange stations as accessory or conditional uses.
  • Prohibits battery exchange stations in the Highway 99 Mixed Use and City Center Zones, except that in the City Center zones, Level 1, 2 and 3 (battery) electric vehicle charging stations may be allowed.


The City Council also unanimously passed a resolution supporting the C3 Modified Light Rail Alignment and Station Location as the preferred alternative in the Environmental Impact Statement. The plan was developed collaboratively by Sound Transit, Edmonds School District and Lynnwood city staff.

In other action, the City Council also unanimously approved the equipment rental replacement – police vehicle fleet plan proposed by the police department. The plan includes:

  • A return to a four-year replacement schedule for the patrol division fleet.
  • Approval to purchase three Ford Escape vehicles for the department’s volunteer program. The purchase is funded by a state grant.
  • Approval to move five vehicles from 2015 to 2014 to allow for the orderly obtainment and equipping of the police fleet. The vehicles proposed for a move up to 2014 already are funded.

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