The Lynnwood City Council Monday is set to receive an update on the draft Housing Action Plan, which staff intend to use as a guide to address Lynnwood’s housing needs.
The Housing Action Plan will form Lynnwood’s five-year goals and strategies to promote housing options that are safe and affordable for all community members. At the council’s April 5 business meeting, staff will provide an overview of the draft Housing Action Plan prepared for public release and a summary of public comments received.
Also during the meeting, a brief update is scheduled on the preliminary Buildable Lands Report (BLR) information prepared by Snohomish County. The BLR will help estimate the potential for new housing units within Lynnwood for the time period ending in 2044.
Other business includes a briefing summarizing the importance and challenges of delivering major transportation capital projects, like the recently constructed 36th Avenue West project and the currently under construction 196th Street Southwest project. Several other briefings on transportation topics are also planned for this year.
Councilmembers will be meeting remotely and will stream the meeting at 6 p.m. live via Zoom, which can be accessed via the council’s webpage on the city’s website.
To view the full meeting agenda, click here.
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