Crews have started the demolition of the old Lynnwood High School across from Alderwood Mall.
They’re starting with abatement of the interior of each building before tearing it down and moving on to the other buildings. You won’t notice most of this work when you drive by. The demolition is expected to take about six weeks.
People have been allowed to use the play fields since the school closed in 2009, but that’s no longer the case. The entire site is closed to visitors, including the fields and track.
Crews have salvaged materials from the buildings and the contractor will recycle as much of it as possible.
The Edmonds School District plans to lease the property for retail and restaurant space. So far they haven’t announced what tenants will be moving in. It’s part of the larger plan to generate revenue for future capital improvements in the district.
The new Lynnwood High School on North Road, which is technically in Bothell, opened in September 2009.
Why don't they unload some of their surplus property for “future capital improvements”? I can think of one parcel, worth approx. $4 mil, just sitting on 56th Ave W between 160th and 156th. They had to fence off approx. 3 acres at taxpayers expense just to let it sit there and stagnate for the past 20+ years? Unbuildable? How about the property on 52nd Ave W just off 200th? Paid approx. $6 mil when it was only worth $1.5? Sell it or build on it!
Hmmmmmmm, think any developer might want to check the water table in that area. With all the new mall development since the school was first built, it's on some pretty soggy ground.