Lynnwood parks department seeking volunteers for ParksLove accessibility focus group

Equal Access

Lynnwood’s Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Department is seeking community members with experience personally or through caregiving of someone with impaired, restricted or limited access to parks to participate in a two-hour virtual focus group.

This focus group will help park staff better understand what improvements are needed to create more inclusive and accessible parks. This information will be used in the formation of a 10-year Park & Trail Capital Plan as part of the ParksLove Project.

The ParksLove Accessibility Focus Group will be hosted online via Zoom from 6-8 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 1.

The department is looking for 10 individuals to form a focus group that broadly represents community members who may have movement, visual, hearing, cognitive, social, mental or developmental disabilities.

The focus group meeting will not be recorded. Comments will be summarized in a report without personal attribution. Focus group members will be provided a $50 gift certificate for participation.

If you are interested in participating, complete the online interest form here.

If you are interested in sharing your thoughts on park accessibility and inclusion but are not able to participate in the focus group, the department is also accepting online community input.

  1. To Whom It May Concern:
    My name is April Montez. I am a mother of a 4 year old kiddo with a disability, a mental health therapist,social worker and daughter to an aging, veteran disabled father. If possible, I would be honored to take part in the focus group.
    As a social worker I have worked with many clients with disabilities. I have also advocated for clients to receive appropriate accommodations at work and at school. I am a strong advocate for people with disabilities and equality and Inclusion.

    I live in Unincorporsted Snohomish County but my formal address is Lynnwood, WA 98087. Please let me know if you need any further info from me.

    April Montez

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