The following are selected incidents from the Lynnwood Police blotter.
May 2
19500 block of Highway 99. Theft. A juvenile female was arrested for shop lifting bottles of alcohol.
May 3
19700 block of 40th Ave. W. Ordinance violation. A 28-year-old woman was cited and released for leaving children unattended in a car.
20800 block of Highway 99. Theft. A man was suspected of stealing power from other residents due to his power being cut off.
May 4
17700 block of Spruce Way. Juvenile. A 10-year-old boy was found in someone’s front yard.
May 6
5600 block of 208th St. SW. Theft. A resident reported that someone attempted to steal rims from his car.
6600 block of 208th St. SW. Malicious mischief. A tree was knocked down by a car.
May 7
17400 block of 57th Ave. W. A 20-year-old man and a 21-year-old woman were suspected of stealing a credit card from the male suspect’s mother and charging $1,500 worth of merchandise.
19700 block of Highway 99. Theft. A purse, wallet, two backpacks, cellphone, computer table, glasses, pocket translator, credit and debit cards and cash were stolen from a vehicle.
May 8
3000 block of 196 St. SW. Vehicle recovery. A vehicle stolen out of Everett was recovered.
18600 block of 33rd Ave. W. Narcotics. A 30-year-old woman was arrested for felony possession of drugs, possession of drug paraphernalia, shoplifting and two Edmonds warrants.
21000 block of 67th Ave. W. Burglary. A resident reported that DVDs, clothing and jewelry were stolen from a home.
19300 block of 44th Ave. W. Assault. An inmate assaulted another inmate during a dispute over the television.
3000 block of 196th St. SW. Theft. A truck was reported stolen from a hotel parking lot.
17300 block of 37th Ave. W. Assault. A juvenile male assaulted a female.
May 9
5900 block of 177th St. SW. Found property. A bike was found.
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