March 21
19300 block 44th Avenue West: Police investigated a reported sex offense.
4600 block 196th Street Southwest: A theft suspect was cited and released.
19200 block Alderwood Mall Parkway: A theft occurred at Best Buy.
3300 block 184th Street Southwest: Police responded to a robbery.
21000 block 61st Avenue West: A vehicle was prowled. No evidence of forced entry or damage was reported. A wallet containing the victim’s debit cards was stolen from the vehicle.
6700 block 196th Street Southwest: A domestic assault victim contacted police to report an assault that occurred 15 days ago and seeking information about a no-contact order.
3200 block Alderwood Mall Boulevard: A felony theft occurred.
19200 block Alderwood Mall Parkway: A felony warrant subject was arrested.
20200 block 60th Avenue West: A subject was arrested for violating a domestic violence no-contact order.
17800 block Highway 99: A misdemeanor theft occurred.
16600 block 48th Avenue West: A van was stolen overnight from the Novela apartments parking lot.
March 22
8400 block 18th Avenue West: Lynnwood police assist the Monroe Police Department.
19200 block Alderwood Mall Parkway: A subject was removed from Best Buy.
7100 block 196th Street Southwest: Police investigated a burglary.
20700 block 60th Avenue West: Police responded to a civil dispute between neighbors regarding a property line.
19700 block 76th Avenue West: A man pointed a handgun at his landlord and said he would shoot her.
1600 block Southwest Everett Mall: A Lynnwood warrant subject was arrested in Everett.
18300 block Alderwood Mall Parkway: Multiple thefts were reported.
16600 block 37th Place West: Mail was stolen.
3000 block 184th Street Southwest: A theft was reported at Alderwood Mall.
19300 block Alderwood Mall Parkway: A subject was arrested for possession of an illegal knife and giving a false name to police.
20600 block 44th Avenue West: A misdemeanor warrant suspect was arrested.
4600 block 196th Street Southwest: A driver was arrested for DUI and possession of a stolen vehicle.
19500 block Highway 99: A gun was found in the Safeway restroom.
20000 block 64th Avenue West: A vehicle was stolen.
3000 block 184th Street Southwest: Threats were made.
6200 block 200th Street Southwest: Graffiti was reported.
196th Street Southwest: A subject was cited for possession of a dangerous weapon.
March 23
Highway 99/196th Street Southwest: A driver was arrested for DUI.
5800 block 196th Street Southwest: A subject reported finding scuff marks on a vehicle.
4600 block 196th Street Southwest: A vehicle was stolen from the Fred Meyer parking lot.
19400 block 36th Avenue West: A catalytic converter was stolen from a vehicle.
20400 block Highway 99: A driver was arrested for DUI.
6000 block 168th Street Southwest: Police received an online tip regarding a sexual assault.
17200 block Highway 99: A verbal domestic disturbance occurred at Walmart.
20400 block 52nd Avenue West: A domestic violence assault was reported.
19800 block 44th Avenue West: A repeat trespasser returned to the same location.
3100 block 184th Street Southwest: A subject was removed from the location.
3700 block 196th Street Southwest: A vehicle was prowled at City Center Apartments.
17500 block 44th Avenue West: A driver was cited for driving with a suspended license.
4100 block 196th Street Southwest: A traffic stop led to a felony warrant arrest.
March 24
17900 block Ash Way: A driver was cited for driving with a suspended license.
6400 block 196th Street Southwest: A vehicle was stolen.
20900 block Highway 99: A warrant subject was arrested.
19400 block Alderwood Mall Parkway: A theft occurred.
6400 block 196th Street Southwest: A woman was reported to have been yelling at juveniles.
4800 block 196th Street Southwest: A subject was cited for malicious mischief and criminal trespass.
4700 block 176th Street Southwest: A verbal argument was reported.
17100 block Highway 99: A transient subject was trespassed from a wooded area.
3400 block 188th Street Southwest: A driver was cited for a traffic offense.
4100 block 196th Street Southwest: A subject was cited for theft of services.
6400 block 196th Street Southwest: A vehicle was prowled.
19800 block 50th Avenue West: A subject was removed from a location.
20000 block 64th Avenue West: A vehicle was stolen.
19700 block 48th Avenue West: A vehicle was prowled.
19500 block Highway 99: A driver was arrested for felony stolen vehicle possession.
March 25
19700 block 50th Avenue West: Police responded to a possible assault.
20800 block 70th Avenue West: A vehicle was prowled.
18400 block Alderwood Mall Parkway: A theft was reported.
18100 block 36th Avenue West: A woman claimed she was not paid for merchandise mailed to the suspect.
4800 block 168th Street Southwest: A vehicle was broken into and a gym bag was stolen.
19700 block 68th Avenue West: A sexual assault was reported.
6000-6100 block 185th Place Southwest: Vehicles were prowled.
6100 block 185th Street Southwest. A firearm was stolen.
March 26
6900 block 187th Place Southwest: A woman was arrested for possession of a stolen vehicle. Police also located stolen property for another theft.
3600 block 196th Street Southwest: A burglary was reported.
18100 block 33rd Avenue West: A subject was arrested for six drug-related charges.
16600 block Highway 99: Multiple catalytic converters were stolen.
19400 block Alderwood Mall Parkway: A theft from a business occurred.
4800 block 168th Street Southwest: Police responded to a verbal domestic disturbance.
12500 block Dubuque Road: Lynnwood police made a DUI arrest in unincorporated Snohomish County.
March 27
20800 block Highway 99: Threats were reported.
2900 block Alderwood Mall Boulevard: A warrant subject was arrested.
5600 block 200th Street Southwest: A vehicle was prowled.
–Compiled by Cody Sexton
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