Lynnwood Senior Center September Events

(Photo courtesy Lynnwood Senior Center)

Lynnwood Senior Center Cultural Events

Pre-registration is required for events. Call 425-670-5050.

Sept. 21:  11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.

The Great Grandfather’s Drum documentary screening will host director Victoria Lewin to present and discuss her award-winning work. The film celebrates Japanese American culture and history in Hawai’i. Bring an appetizer to share for the potluck. Drinks and desserts are provided. LSC members free; $5 non-members

Sept. 27:  Noon-1:45 p.m.

Salish Indigenous People Presentation & Salmon Lunch

The history talk will focus on Duwamish, Snohomish, Snoqualmie, Skagit, Suiattle, Samish and Stillaguamish peoples making up the Tulalip Tribes. $8 LSC members; $13 non-members.

Join the Lynnwood Senior Center for day trips.

Lynnwood Senior Center Day Trips

Registration for October trips is Sept. 11. Call 425-670-5050 for details.

Skagit Festival of Family Farms
Oct. 5: 10 a.m.– 5 p.m. |  $18 LSC members / $24 non-members

Dungeness Crab & Seafood Festival, Port Angeles        
Oct. 12: 8:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.  |  $37 LSC members /$43 non-members

Tacoma Holiday Food & Gift Festival (non-refundable)
Oct. 17: 9:30am-5pm  |  $34 LSC members /$40 non-members

A Country Drive
Oct. 2410 a.m. – 4 p.m.  |  $18 LSC members /$24 non-members

Lynnwood Senior Center Outdoor Recreation Trips 

Registration for October recreation trips is Sept. 20. Call 425-670-5050 for information.

Snoqualmie Valley Trail #4, Carnation: 6.5 miles round trip with 210 feet elevation gain.
Sept. 4: 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m. |  $28 LSC members /$34 non-members

Whitehorse Trail, Darrington:   5 miles round trip with minimal elevation gain

Sept. 10: 8 a.m.-3 p.m. |  $28 LSC members /$34 non-members

Chehalis Western Trail:  4.7 miles round trip with minimal elevation gain

Sept. 24: 8 a.m.-3:45 p.m. |  $28 LSC members /$34 Non LSC members

Pedal Pushers Bicycling 

Seasonal 10- to 25-mile group bicycle rides with LSC and BIKES Club leaders. Call 425-670-5050 for information. Free for members of both groups; $5 non-members.