Sound Transit plans to crack down on drivers who don’t follow the parking rules at the Lynnwood Transit Center and other busy park-and-ride lots.
It comes after complaints by ST Express bus riders that lots are overcrowded because cars are being parked overnight.
Starting Feb. 15, workers will be looking for vehicles that are parked more than 24 hours, in “no parking” zones, in handicapped spots without a placard or a handicapped license plate, in more than one space, or are blocking walkways.
There will be a one-week grace period in which warnings will be given. Starting Sunday, Jan. 23, drivers who don’t follow the rules may have their cars towed.
The agency has installed signs to warn riders of the new enforcement.
Of the 21 transit centers Sound Transit operates in King, Pierce and Snohomish counties, six are at 99% capacity or above, and seven are at least 90% full.
The other park-and-ride lots in Lynnwood — including Ash Way and Swamp Creek — are operated by Community Transit.
I am going to assume the crackdown will begin on January 15 and not February 15 since the grace period ends on January 23.
What are they thinking? Don’t tow ’em, tax ’em. Just issue big tickets to miss parked vehicles. There is a SnoCounty cop sitting there almost every day how tough is it for the guy to get out of his car and write some tickets?
By far the worst offense is cars that take up two spaces. Last year I used the Lynnwood Transit Center daily and on a number of occasions it was litereally 100 full — but with numerous cars deliberately taking up two spaces. There should be a fine attached to that over and above having the vehicle towed at the owner’s expense.