Remember those Almost Live spoofs from the 1990s, featuring women from Lynnwood with big hair and too much blue make-up?
City officials want to shed those old stereotypes and promote all the positive things Lynnwood has to offer.
The city is in the final stages of an $80,000 public relations makeover. Last September the city hired PR firm North Star Destination Strategies to look for ways the community can stand out in the marketplace. In short, the city wants to find its “brand.”
“Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not around,” explained Don McEachern, CEO of North Star. “People and business define a city – without ever visiting – based wholly on the word-of-mouth about it. Branding is what you do to change or refine that message.”
Researchers spent the last few months interviewing hundreds of community members and visitors to get their thoughts on our city.
People identified the city’s strengths as its proximity to major freeways, strong retail core and great city services. Affordability topped the list of reasons to move here. Alderwood Mall was cited as our greatest asset.
But some people also said the mall was a challenge for the city because “Lynnwood is known for the mall and nothing else.” They also cited bad traffic, difficulty of getting around and lack of a central attraction as other drawbacks.
In a report to the City Council, researchers said Lynnwood is “a community known only for shopping, rooftops, a lower-income demographic, or nothing at all.”
Asked how they would improve the city’s image, residents suggested identifying a downtown area, holding an annual festival or creating city gateway (more than just a “Welcome to Lynnwood” sign.)
A committee made up of city officials, business and community members, will now work with the consultant to refine the brand concept and come up with a logo and slogan.
The City Council will have the final say. A decision is expected next month.
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