Mayor Smith lends a hand as Silver Creek Family Church lights up its Christmas Tree

Mayor Nicola Smith with the encouragement of Santa Claus gets ready to plug in the cord that lights up Silver Creek Church's Christmas Tree Saturday in Lynnwood. (Photos by David Pan)
Mayor Nicola Smith with the encouragement of Santa Claus gets ready to plug in the cord that lights up Silver Creek Family Church’s Christmas Tree Saturday in Lynnwood. (Photos by David Pan)
Lynnwood Fire Chief Scott Cockrum said gave some fire safety tips Saturday at the Silver Creek Christmas Tree Lighting Festival.
Lynnwood Fire Chief Scott Cockrum gave some fire safety tips as Mayor Nicola Smith listens (right) Saturday at the Silver Creek Family Church’s Christmas Tree Lighting Festival.
Santa Claus was a popular man Saturday night at Silver Creek Church.
Santa Claus was a popular man Saturday night at Silver Creek Family Church.
The Silver Creek Chruch Christmas Tree.
The Silver Creek Family Church Christmas Tree
The Meadowdale High School/Silver Creek Church Comb played holiday songs for the crowd.
The Meadowdale High School/Silver Creek Family Church Jazz Combo played holiday songs for the crowd.
Lynnwood firefighter Betsy Bankson shows Timmy Ellis (right) the inside of a fire truck.
Lynnwood firefighter Betsy Bankson shows Timmy Ellis (right) the inside of a fire truck.

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