Business name: Aiya Photography
Products and/or services: Event photography such as weddings, events, corporate. Studio photography such as portraits, head shots, family shoots.
How long in business: Since 2008. In Lynnwood recently but before that in Bellingham and California.
Number of employees: No employees but have six photographers they work with.
Unique/interesting features about business: Specialize in weddings but enjoy all types of photography. From the owner Aamir Khan: “We have been lucky enough to take pictures involving a really broad spectrum of cultures. We have had amazing opportunities to experience some beautiful traditions. We pride ourselves on taking natural, candid and intimate photography using cutting edge equipment and take pride in our artistic approach.”
Business address, phone and website: 16825 48th Ave. W., Ste 414, Lynnwood. 425-354-3161,,
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