Military Wire: When America wins Benghazi — ‘Jarhead 3: The Siege’

JARHEAD-3-600This movie couldn’t have come at a better time. With the recent attack in Orlando, America is reeling from getting kicked in the head one more time by cowards who prey on unassuming civilians. America needs a win and there is no question that our troops can and do win when leadership is strong – as “Jarhead 3: The Siege” shows.

Charlie Weber, Scott Adkins and Dennis Haysbert star in “Jarhead 3: The Siege,” the action-packed, pulse-pounding thriller about members of a military unit who, after becoming outnumbered, are forced to muster up the courage to protect their U.S. Embassy.

Without revealing all the details of the movie, let me just share that the movie highlights the “apathy and assumptions” that many in the political and civilian world share about radical Muslims. The movie is NOT at all about U.S. aggression or hatred toward this religion – as a matter of fact, there is a strong message of collaboration – but it does show the bias and reveals how winning the hearts and minds is often built on a house of cards…for a number of reasons.

“Jarhead 3: The Siege” is available now on Blu-ray, DVD and Digital HD from Universal Pictures Home Entertainment.

For my readers, I’ll be selecting two recipients who will receive a free copy of the movie based on their email submission that shares what you are doing to impact military and veteran families in your community. You’ll not only receive a copy of the movie but I’ll also highlight your organization’s efforts through Veteran News Now and The Military Wire. Email your entry to

Bottom line: “Jarhead 3: The Siege” deals with a number of nuances and issues – and regardless of the issues, it shows what happens when a team works together to overcome difficult odds.

– By Michael Schindler

Michael Schindler

Michael Schindler, Navy veteran, and president of Operation Military Family, is a guest writer for several national publications, author of the book “Operation Military Family” and “The Military Wire” blog. He is also a popular keynote and workshop speaker who reaches thousands of service members and their families every year through workshops and seminars that include “How to Battle-Ready Your Relationship” or “What Your Mother-in-Law Didn’t Tell You.” He received the 2010 Outstanding Patriotic Service Award from the Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs.

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