More candidates file for mayor, city council

Nicola Smith has filed for mayor, according to the Snohomish County Auditor’s office. Smith is joined current councilmember Mark Smith. Current Mayor Don Gough was elected in 2005 and reelected in 2009.

Filing for City Council Position No.2, Mark Smith’s seat, is Shirley Sutton. She joins former councilmember Jim Smith.


  1. This country was founded by Citizen-Politians not professional, “it’s my job forever” politians. There needs to be term limits for every position at every level of government. We do not need life long holders of elected positions be it local councilman or federal senators and representatives. Once you have held a position for 2 terms or 10 years, there should be a ban on every holding such a position again!

  2. While I readily understand your concerns, I also know there is a great dearth of individuals with the tenacity, the moral fiber and the qualifications that we need to hold these offices and do well by us. Not to mention take the constant punishment of endless complaints and media scrutiny. Our political system tends to destroy good “Citizen-Politians” and we the people are doing little if nothing to change it. Sad but true. I have always done my part as much as I can but it is a disheartening battle. Quite frankly when I see someone who is doing a great job, regardless of how long they may have been doing it, I am sad to see them go. Please note I am NOT speaking of our present Lynnwood mayor when I say this.

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