‘Move Over, Slow Down’ campaign coming to Snohomish County March 26

Examples of vehicles using audible and visual signals that were struck while assisting the public. (Photos courtesy Washington State Patrol)

The Washington State Patrol’s statewide “Move over, Slow Down” campaign comes to Snohomish County the week of March 26 to April 1, with a focus on Interstate 5.

The emphasis patrols will occur at different times throughout the week with every crew participating in the effort to educate the public on the importance of RCW 46.61.212 – or the move over, slow down law. Under state law, motorists approaching an emergency zone or a work zone are required to move over one lane, if it is safe to do so, or slow down at least 10 miles per hour below the posted speed limit. The emergency or work zone included the 200 feet of roadway before and after the incident or work area.

This law applies to more than just law enforcement, fireand ambulances; it applies to vehicles with audible or visual signals, which include tow trucks, construction vehicles and department of transportation.

Public safety workers assist the public in many ways from collisions to fixing the roadways motorists use daily, the state patrol says. Remember to do your part and move over and slow down.


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