In the aftermath of the death of Meadowdale junior Matthew Truax, the Nick of Time Foundation, with funding support from local community groups and partnerships, will be offering a free youth (ages 14-24) heart screening on Wednesday, Feb. 5 at Meadowdale High School.
The organization hopes to raise additional funds to support the “Heart of Edmonds” School District and Community AED Project. The goal is to increase the total number of AED’s, raise awareness and training in every school and community sports field, and ultimately produce a safer community.
Truax unexpectedly passed away from sudden cardiac arrest while in P.E. class on Sept.13 . He was a seemingly healthy, avid snowboarder and soccer player.
His death has had an enormous effect on the Meadowdale community. The Truax family and Meadowdale High School Leadership are looking to the Nick of Time Foundation to provide heart screenings and automated external defibrillators (AED’s) to help prevent future tragedies.
The Junior Class at Meadowdale is raising awareness and funds through Projekt Karma.
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