November ballot full of City Council challengers

Each of the four Lynnwood City Council members up for re-election this November will face at least one challenger.

Loren Simmonds is facing off with two challengers for position four. One of them, John Conley, has lived in Lynnwood for 38 years.

“My goal, if elected, is to bring some common sense to the city government regarding taxes and fees. I firmly believe that if it is not an absolute necessity then we don’t need it,” Conley told us. “I believe in getting the most bang for the taxpayer buck.”

Michael Moore, owner of A&M Striping, is also challenging Loren Simmonds. We were unable to reach him for comment.

Ed dos Remedios is going head-to-head with Bejamin Goodwin for position five. Goodwin did not respond to our request for comment.

Jim Smith is being challenged by Van AuBuchon, a member of Lynnwood’s Planning Commission.

And finally, as we reported earlier, Sid Roberts is facing Ted Hikel for position six.

  1. The November elections cannot come too soon for me. If the challengers show any ability to lead Lynnwood out of the mess that the current council and mayor have put the city in, then they have my vote.

    However, the idea of switching to a city manager form of government gives me pause. I do not like the idea of giving up my ability to vote directly for the mayor. I think there is a loss in accountability to the citizens with the city manager idea.

    1. Well said RmR. 

      I am going back and forth regarding the manager/mayor issue and need m0re info before deciding. 

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