Older adults in Snohomish County face ongoing challenges, county survey finds

Photo courtesy Pixabay

A new survey has found that older adults in Snohomish County are still facing a number of challenges, including financial insecurity and housing costs.

The report is based on a survey conducted with residents 55 and older in January-February 2023 and shows the extent of COVID-related challenges still impacting seniors.

Conducted by Snohomish County’s Human Services Department, the survey found that nearly one in five seniors reported living below the federal poverty level. Additionally, more than half of seniors said they were housing cost-burdened, meaning they spend more than 30% of their income on housing and utilities.

The survey findings highlight the need for more support for older adults in Snohomish County, and Human Services Director Mary Jane Brell Vujovic said that the county is committed to addressing these challenges.

“As we better understand where there are continuing challenges for those who had some of the highest negative impacts from COVID-19, we can ensure everything possible is being done to help them fully recover,” she said.

Additional survey results include:

– Nearly 12% seniors reported that their household earns less than $1,200 per month, below the federal poverty limit (FPL) for a one-person household.
– Of the senior households living below the FPL, 30% are BIPOC. This income group primarily consists of seniors living alone, with 76% being women and 23% BIPOC women.
–  58% of senior renters aged 60 or older pay more than 30% of their monthly income on housing and utilities.
– “A stunning” 87% of senior residents who live alone reported that they cannot afford a one-bedroom rental in Snohomish County.
* Most surveyed seniors rely on Social Security as their primary source of income, with an average monthly benefit of $1,827.
* 63% of seniors reported life is returning to pre-COVID conditions with the availability of vaccines and treatments, and of the seniors feeling hopeful, 89% shared they have received COVID-19 vaccines/boosters.

For more information or to access the full survey report,  visit https://bit.ly/2023SnoCoSeniors.

  1. My husband and I get $2400 and our rent is $2000 rent is so high we are looking to move out of state we have to give up our family we make to much for low income housing

  2. This was posted on the same day as —“Lynnwood named one of best WA small towns for retirees.”
    Which post is the truth? You can’t have it both ways!

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